Vote with Confidence

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  • It's your democratic right to vote for the candidates of your choice
  • Contact Elections Markham immediately if you are asked to share your Voting PIN via email, text, social media or in person
  • Say something if you see something suspicious, we are here to help
  • Contact Elections Markham immediately to get a new Voting PIN if you lose yours (the old PIN will be deactivated)
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  • Never share your Voting PIN - it’s unique to you (municipal staff, candidates and law enforcement officials should never ask for it)
  • It’s illegal to vote using a Voting PIN that is not yours
  • You can’t vote more than once in a municipality, no matter how many voting days there are or how many properties you own/rent
  • Never post a photo or selfie with your ballot on social media or elsewhere
  • Never use a candidate’s computer, smartphone or tablet to vote or share proof of who you voted for with anyone

Our reliable online voting technology ensures:

  • You can verify your ballot has been successfully and accurately submitted
  • You receive maximum privacy, accessibility and convenience
  • You are doing your part to be environmentally friendly

Elections Markham
Markham Civic Centre
101 Town Centre Boulevard
Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
905.477.7000 x8683 (VOTE)

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